Rare and Fine Gemstones |
Welcome to the internet sale of the Poul Beckmann collection of rare and
fine gemstones. Poul Beckmann was a rare gemstone dealer in the 70's and 80's and the collection consists of stones that he set aside and ultimately added to his own personal collection. Look though our inventory and you will find some very rare species and very rare colors. Stones of this quality, color, and cut are difficult, and in some cases impossible to find today. The collection includes Mozambique Tourmalines mined in the 50's and 60's The material was brought out in the 70's during Mozambique's transition from Portuguese colony to independent nation. These Tourmalines of which most are flawless, are examples of the very finest custom cutting available. The varieties of greens and pinks are exclusive to gems of Mozambique. The collection also includes a large Kornerupine and a large Sinhalite, and a selection of native cut gemstones from Sri Lanka that includes Kornerupine, Sinhalite, Spinel and Zircon. All of our gemstones, both rare and fine listed as custom cut, were cut by Elvis "Buzz" Gray, master gem cutter and former owner of the Benitoite Gem Mine. |
Inventory |
Clarity and Cutting |
Terms and Contact |
Andalusite, Anhydrite, Apatite,
Aquamarine, Augelite, Benitoite, Golden Beryl, Green Beryl, Boracite, Cassiterite, Childernite, Crocoite, Cuprite, Danburite, Diopside, Emerald, Euclase, Fluorite, Grossular Garnet, Spessartine Garnet, Pyrope Garnet, Rhodolite Garnet, Jeremejevite, Chrome Kornerupine, Kornerupine Catseye, Kornerupine, Kunzite, Magnesite, Morganite, Phosphophyllite, Ruby, Sapphire, Scapolite, Sinhalite, Smithsonite, Sphene, Spinal, Stibiotantalite, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Tourmaline, Tugtupite, Zircon |